The platform offers you several options to watch movies: with a subscription, or rent/purchase movies individually.
- I subscribe to Sooner
Sooner has an Essential monthly and annual subscription and a Premium monthly subscription. It's up to you to choose which one suits you best. With the subscription you get access to nearly 3,000 movies from our catalog (the ones without a yellow ticket symbol):
- Formula Essential for 7,99€/month: this offer allows you to endlessly stream all films from the subscription catalog.
- Formula Essential annual subscription for 79,99€/month: this offer allows you to endlessly stream all movies from the subscription catalog.
- Formula Premium for 14,99€/month: this offer allows you to endlessly stream all the movies in the subscription catalog on 4 screens at the same time + gives you 3 tickets per month to rent a TVOD movie (including the latest novelties only from the cinema).
- I rent a movie
You can also watch a movie without taking a subscription. To do so, just click on "rent a movie" and then enter your bank details. The film is then available for 72 hours.
- I buy a digital film
If you want to have a film available longer than 72 hours, you can also buy a film by clicking on "buy film". The film will then remain available in your purchased films on the platform. You cannot stream it offline.
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